Monday, September 28, 2009

Ken and Elina Maternity shots

Beautiful couple...Elina and Ken.....

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Now these are pictures of my friends' cats:

Bobby peeking from the basket

Bobby and her innocent look.

Picture of Barbooshka....the grumpy but 'manja' one....
Looks like Bobby is not into pink horses....
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First Entry

Hey fellow readers!
Ok, frankly speaking I'm not a blog person. I can't even keep track of my thoughts.

Still, I do need some sort of a portfolio for my photos, so here I am....starting one for the sake of creating a portfolio.

I love taking photos, for the fun of it. Many have asked me why I don't go for the money. Well, truth to tell, I try to keep my hobby as a hobby. Some things are better left as it is. May sound silly, but I do believe that when you turn something you love into a job(as it involves money), you'll start hating it when the stress comes in and you become all nervous and too conscious.

Nonetheless, I do help out my friends who need favours and I see every task I get as a good training ground. I'm still an ABSOLUTE amateur for now, so do not expect too much from this blog for the time being.....but I'll keep on trying and produce the best image I can.

So, you readers out there, appreciate the support! Till then, hope you can find something interesting in here, and please do drop some comments, alright?
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